
In Portland, the sexual revolution begins in kindergarten


Portland Public Schools [no estado do Oregon, Estados Unidos] launched a war against “gender binary” and adopted a radical new curriculum teaching students to subvert the sexuality of “white settlers” and begin to explore “the infinite spectrum of gender”.

I got one file with documents from a source within the Portland Public Schools that exposes the nature of this curriculum. Classes seek to transform the principles of academic theory queer in an identity formation program for elementary school students, adopted in many of the K-5 classrooms [“kay through five”, termo americano para o período de educação do jardim de infância à quinta série] of the district.

The premise is simple: privileged white heterosexuals created an oppressive gender system to dominate racial and sexual minorities. As the curriculum explains, “gender is colonized,” and Western societies have used language to erase alternative sexualities. “When white Europeans colonized different places, they brought their own ideas about gender and sexuality with them,” the curriculum says. “When the United States was colonized by white settlers, their views on gender were imposed on the people who already lived here. Hundreds of years later, the ways we think and talk about gender are still impacted by this shift.” (When contacted for comment, Portland Public Schools wrote, “We ensure that our curriculum is LGBTQ+ inclusive for students who identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, gender non-conforming.” queerand queer to create a safe and inclusive environment for all our students.”)

The curriculum begins in kindergarten with an anatomy class with graphic drawings of infant genitalia. The lesson avoids the terms “boy” and “girl” in favor of the gender-neutral variants “person with a penis” and “person with a vulva” because, according to the curriculum, some girls may have penises and some boys may have vulvas. . “Any gender and child can have any body type,” reads a related presentation.

In grades one and two, students are introduced to key tenets of gender identity theory. “Gender is something that adults have invented to classify people into groups,” states the curriculum. “Many people think that there are only two genders, girls and boys, but this is not true. There are many ways to be a boy, a girl, both or neither. Gender identity is about how you feel inside.” Next, students work on a lesson called “Our Names, Genders, and Pronouns.” The lesson tells them that “gender is like outer space, because there are as many different gender ways to be as there are stars in the sky.” Students, the curriculum explains, can “change their name to match who they are, such as gender, culture, or just what they like best.” They can be “boys”, “girls”, “cisgender”, “transgender” or “non-binary” and try out pronouns like “elu/delu” and “ile/dile” [N. do T.: no inglês, eles propõem o uso do plural “they/them” (que serve para eles e elas) para pessoas individuais, e os pronomes inventados (à semelhança de elu/ile em português) são “ze/zir”.], according to your personal preferences. “Only you can know what your gender is,” they say.

In grades 3 through 5, the district begins classes on “LGBTQIA2S+” activism. The curriculum presents the categories of “male” and “female” as manifestations of the “dominant culture” that has used sexual norms to oppress minorities. “Culture, systems, and assumptions that everyone is heterosexual are called heteronormative. The culture, systems, and assumptions that everyone is cisgender are called cisnormative,” the curriculum states. “Therefore, the culture, systems, and assumptions that everyone is heterosexual and cis is called cis-heteronormativity.” This system, according to the lesson plan, is a form of “oppression” designed to benefit “white straight cis boys” and punish “LGBTQIA2S+” people.

The solution, according to the Portland Public Schools, is to obliterate the “white settler” conception of sexuality, with its rigid male-female binary, and encourage students to inhabit “the infinite spectrum of gender.” This means destroying the system of “cis-heteronormativity” and promoting “queer” and “trans” identities. Teachers are instructed to eliminate the terms “girls and boys”, “ladies and gentlemen”, “mom and dad”, “madam, sir, miss” and “boyfriend, girlfriend”, in favor of terms like “people”, ” staff”, “guardians” [N.t. no inglês a palavra “guardians” pode se referir a feminino ou masculino]“Srx.” [o “neutro” de senhor ou senhora] and “elusamigue” [N.t. trata-se de uma tentativa de adaptação ao português da expressão “themfriend”, que é “neutra” no inglês]. Students are given photographs of “gender non-conforming” individuals and are encouraged to celebrate the banners for “non-binary”, “gender queer”, “gender fluid” and “Two-spirit” identities. For some students, subversion of the gender binary may also involve a gender transition.

By the end of fifth grade, the curriculum explicitly asks students to make a “commitment to change” in line with the dictates of gender ideology. Students are given a list of six commitments, including: “I commit to learning more about the meaning of the words LGBTQIA2S+ and how they have changed over time”; “I commit to learning about the history and leadership of black trans women”; “I commit to practicing pronouns and correcting myself EVERY time”; “I commit to attend the QSA/GSA [N.t.: sigla em inglês para Aliança Gay-Queer-Hétero, que são clubes de afirmação LGBTQI+, geralmente em escolas, cujo papel é fornecer espaço seguro e solidário, além de organizar ações coletivas sobre a temática] and be a leader in my school”; and “I commit to watching and reading books, movies, and TV shows that have LGBTQIA+ characters.” In other words, they commit to becoming political activists of the theory queer and the wider sexual revolution.

This type of pedagogy is, surprisingly, becoming commonplace in US public school systems. But there will be an end point. The theory queer it is a fundamentally weak academic theory. As it becomes practical in public schools, it will begin to harm students, leading them to a series of broken promises, including, for some, disastrous hormone treatments and surgical procedures. Eventually, as parents understand the ideology and what it hopes to accomplish, they will rise up against it – a day that may not come soon enough.

Christopher F. Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor to the City Journal.

©2022 CityJournal. Published with permission. original in English.


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